Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Proxy Base

Me and the other Proxies in the area found a place where a building used to be. I'm told it used to have something to do with meat. The building is gone now, but the foundation remained so we use this spot to meet and sometimes crash if things are getting hairy. Unfortunatly there are only three Agent-class Proxies in the area, so we only have three 'living' areas.

Proof of Agency

This is me. Agent's faces don't exactly show up well on pictures.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Here's a little rundown of what's been going on. My name is Blaine Arcdriver. I'm an Agent, a Proxy of the Slender Man. I have been for over a year. In recent weeks, there have been more and more agressive actions from other Patrons. The main one being the murder of an Apostle of the Archangel. Nobody knows who did it, but everyone is playing the blame game. I fear a war will start soon.

As for the situation in my area, there have been an increasing number of Proxy Hunters in this area. I need to be careful about where I go. I'll keep this blog posted in case anything significant comes up.